It is essential to know the basics of digital techniques for understanding the applications of digital systems as well as microprocessors. Microprocessors serve as the heart of computer systems, and understanding their architecture is crucial for appreciating how computers process information. Microprocessors play a key role in embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, making this course highly relevant for contemporary applications in IT. This course will help the student to comprehend logic and circuit design and enable them to perform assembly language programming for microprocessors, cultivating the skills essential for logic and software development in the IT sector.


Test digital systems by applying principles of digital techniques and microprocessors.


CO1 - Test logic gates an digital systems.

CO2 - Use basic combinational and sequential logic circuits employing digital ICs. CO3 - Perform operations on registers using 8086 instructions.

CO4 - Use 8086 microprocessor environment to build and execute assembly language programs.

CO5 - Develop assembly language programming in 8086 to implement loops and branching instructions